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Images tagged "time"

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Jacqueline Castle - Psychotherapy & Counselling Are you struggling with depression or anxiety? Nowadays, we can find ourselves in very troubled states of mind, feeling very off balance – and this can occur at any time during our lives. We may have lost a loved one, someone who... Read more



About Jacquie Amiable, affable, friendly, empathetic, a listener who doesn’t just listen but someone who understands and uses that understanding to lead you to a better, happier place. These have been some of the qualities attributed to me. My name is Jacqueline Castle and I bring many of my life’s experiences to my... Read more


I started seeing Jacquie as I had been suffering with depression and anxiety for most of my life. I was highly medicated on anti-depressants and anti-anxiety tablets and I was at my end point. I needed help but didn’t believe that life could get better for me and it was pointless. I... Read more


Contact Jacqueline Castle - Psychotherapy & Counselling For more information or to book an appointment you can phone Jacquie on 07733454790 or you can send a message using the form opposite. Just in case you don't get your email from me, because sometimes they bounce, PLEASE... Read more
